For savvy health practitioners eager to GROW A THRIVING PRACTICE

Join your host, Robyn Spangler, as she becomes your big sister in both business and functional & integrative health. With over a decade of experience as a functional dietitian and entrepreneur, Robyn deeply believes the conventional medicine system is failing us. Through To The Root podcast, Robyn is dedicated to empowering practitioners to provide root cause care to not only lower chronic disease stats, but to change the future of health.

About the host

Robyn is a Functional Dietitian Nutritionist and has built multiple businesses within the functional space including her 1-1 practice, The Clear Skin lab, FNPI and her mineral product line, Rayvi. Her journey of addressing the root cause of her psoriasis & period problems changed her life and led her down this career path. It wasn’t her Nutrition & Dietetics degree that gave her the tools though. While her Bachelors, Masters and Dietetic internship provided valuable education, it wasn’t exactly the root cause lens she was after. To seek additional functional training, she applied and was accepted as one of the first students to complete the Integrative & Functional Dietetics mentorship program at Kansas University Medical Center. One of the first programs of its kind in the country at the time. From there, she went on to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars to continue her education in the root cause medicine space.


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